Ai the new Tower of Babel.. FDR: 393
The admission, Ai is the New Tower of Babel
Prophecy in the News
Push to Consolidate Canada and USA by the Left and Right.. FDR: 383
Both the right and the left are pushing to join with Canada that fits the Club of Rome 10 regions.
Trump is taking your guns.. FDR: 382
Trump is Taking your Guns Under False Flag Pretense
Trumps Gun grabbing agenda | History of false flags, MK
Economist Magazine Predictions for 2025. What are the Satanists Telling YOU? FDR: 380
Decode the Rothchild’s Economist Magazine for 2025
The overall them is the Second Seal or the Red Horse | Narrative
AI God, Neuralink, and the Mark of the Beast: Is Elon Musk building the Antichrist’s BEAST Kingdom? FDR: 379
The evidence, Elon Musk might be the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation. Watch Final Days Report 378 and
Is Elon Musk the False Prophet? View from a Biblical Lenz. FDR: 378
Case For Elon Being the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation
• Creates Religious Deception: His pursuit of
Is the Beast System Here? FDR: 377
Fourth Beast System Players are in Place
Phoenix rising headline for Trumps victory
Internet of bodies and the
Election Deception, how will the Chaos play OUT. FDR: 376
VCAST Covers:
Deagle Report – Big Picture, Elephant named Kamala is dead (what are they telling us), Predictive programing
It is all a Military Operation. So many Psyops to Cover. FDR: 375
It is a Military Operation
• CV19 military involvement before the outbreak
• Military control grid of 5G,
Current Events and News with Commentary
SJWellFire: Final Days Report is your mainstream news filter grounded in Biblical principles. Under the National Defense Authorization Act, your political leaders rescinded the Smith Mundt Act, which now allows the centralized media to use propaganda on you. So, as the CNN news director said, “we use propaganda”. Only 6 companies control over 95% of the news and have the same shareholders. Did you know that the headlines are the same around the world with the exact same numbers, like “666 people died in XYZ town” (fake news). We’ll show headlines, and then give our point of view or explain how to interpret the news.
By providing current events from a biblical perspective, our Final Days Report sounds the alarm for end-of-days markers, like the Euphrates drying up and Wormwood coming in. We believe that Christians will have persecution and that they won’t be raptured out of here. Fear not.