Klaus Schwab’s Army is Identified to bring in the Great Transhumanism Reset to Enslave you.. Final Days Report #69 at SJWellFire
Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset Elite Network and Leaders to Bring in the One World Government to Enslave You.
These posts allude to the notion of the symbolic “beast” mentioned in the Book of Revelation, particularly Revelation 13. This passage describes a beast with authority over the world, and it is associated with a mark that people are compelled to receive on their foreheads or right hands. This mark, often referred to as the “Mark of the Beast,” is believed to signify allegiance to an antichristian system.
In modern discussions, “Beast Technology” may encompass the intersection of technology, surveillance, and control, with concerns about how AI (Artificial Intelligence), advanced surveillance systems, and the introduction of digital currencies like CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) could potentially be used to infringe on personal liberties and enforce allegiance to a global authority, paralleling the biblical prophecy of the “Mark of the Beast.”
The concept raises questions about the implications of emerging technologies in relation to individual freedom and biblical end-times prophecy.
Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset Elite Network and Leaders to Bring in the One World Government to Enslave You.
Ten Kings in the Book of Revelation that align with the Beast could be Mega Corporations within the One World
Proof of remote Brain control to edit, store, erase, change, create, and remote in.
This is a Zombie Army.. As
Is the Third Temple being Built where the Abomination of Desolation will occur Really about You that is the Temple
Are we Seeing elements or a Precursor to the Abomination of Desolation with the Destruction of the Temple of God
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Cover a
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This is a true assault on
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Final Days Report: You’ll have nothing and like it via Cop26 and CV19. Cop26 will make policy with financial institutions