#spiritualwarfare, #demons, #deliverance, #Ephesians6, #armorofGod, #spiritualbattle, #principalities, #powersofdarkness, #strongholds, #warfareprayers, #spiritualprotection, #faith, #truth, #righteousness, #salvation, #swordoftheSpirit, #gospelofpeace, #shieldoffaith, #worldforcesofdarkness, #evilspirits,
Are you Trapped? In this message, Brother Larry emphasizes the importance of being alert and vigilant as believers in Christ.
Summary of Key Points:
Spiritual Vigilance: Emphasizes the importance of being watchful in spiritual life, akin to physical health.<br
End of Days Dream, It’s a Military Operation to drive Chaos. This supports my research for Final Days Report 375
spiritual warfare, vigilance, maturity, resisting temptation, worldly desires, watchfulness, discernment, Holy Spirit, transformation, Christian living, faith, alertness, God’s wisdom, lust