Election Deception, how will the Chaos play OUT. FDR: 376
VCAST Covers:
Deagle Report – Big Picture, Elephant named Kamala is dead (what are they telling us), Predictive programing
These posts involve efforts to unite and consolidate power on a global scale, as seen from a biblical perspective.
This subject can be viewed through the lens of biblical prophecies, which foresee the rise of powerful and influential entities or nations that play a role in shaping the end times and the fulfillment of God’s plan. This includes the “order out of chaos” and “divide and conquer” strategies.
VCAST Covers:
Deagle Report – Big Picture, Elephant named Kamala is dead (what are they telling us), Predictive programing
It is a Military Operation
• CV19 military involvement before the outbreak
• Military control grid of 5G,
Will Trump Censor the Internet? His Words. Your watching a Script
• Harris psyop about Hitler and Trump
News Psyops to prime for Mass Murder, Civil War, Mind Control tech:
DOD can now kill you
The Un Pact for America fits perfectly the Climate Change Script:
Hurricane Weather Weapon Trauma of our kids
Four Reasons the Right Left Theater will Consolidate Power
Goal of this Right Left Script is to Consolidate Power<br
Four Reason’s Trump is False Light – Dualism
The VCAST cover the proof points / evidence of Trump being a
Enjoying the show? Trump could get four years in jail sentencing Sept 18th. Meanwhile it appears the military has taken
Legalization of Selling Your Baby?
On June 12, the Massachusetts House voted on a bill that aims to redefine