Fourth Beast System is Controlism..
The End of Days one World Government is Mind Controlism. It is a war for your soul.
These posts relate to the “pharmakeia” that has DNA defilement tech, as the days of Noah, and nano tech to turn you into a bio hacked individual.
Think of iron mixed with clay, the seeds of men will not cleave.
The End of Days one World Government is Mind Controlism. It is a war for your soul.
Death Spiral – Put on the Full Armor of God plus Human Brains In Mice – Control the Mice
It’s a Gene War for your Soul – Real Abomination of Desolation
What is the abomination of desolation an alternative
Next Vaccines Excuse, to Fight Malnutrition while our Food Supply is Being Destroyed
What are the next set of vaccines
What an Evil Business Model, create Destruction and Act as the Savior – Problem, Reaction, Solution
Classic order out of
End of days in the News
Is this planet x? New excuse to poke you. STDs are on fire. Trump
End of Days in the News. DHS patenting Luciferase tech. Transhumanism executive order. Perversion of our kids. USDA asks to
Did the Elite POKE you with mRNA tech that Makes new Veins and why so many deaths?
You Decide,