We are living in as the Days of Noah and Lot. More war on God’s creation with fake fish pushed for the WEF. We cover addition heart issue news psyops that is out of control. We revisit Deagel report and the shaping of the Brics nations to win. Last, I cover a dream about what Christians need to do in these end of days. SJWellfire.com
World Economic Forum Pushes Fake Fish / Beef, there is War on Meat
From our Book: As in the days of Noah, so shall there be gene corruption for the Satanic agenda as is being done through gene alteration that “hacks the software of life.” (Ruby, 2022) Some call Lucifer’s promise of eternal life, ‘postbiological evolution’ since none of the followers want to die ! So they put their faith and trust in cryogenics and other technology. Henceforth the technology allows them to upload their minds and souls to the cloud and other such ‘saving’ technologies until and eventually other forms of entities are created to serve as extensions for ‘life’, like so many Hollywood movies. But it will all burn in the end.
This book will cover the genocide now in motion by Seal 1.[i] But realize, this is a vaccine playbook used since the 1800s but now this is different.
[i] https://usawatchdog.com/up-to-700-million-worldwide-will-die-from-cv19-vax-by-2028-dr-david-martin/
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