Are the LA Fires Hijacking Prophecy? FDR: 394

Are the LA Fires Hijacking Prophecy? FDR: 394

LA Area Fire Satanic Strategies

Dream that Trump will rebuild old ratty places with beautiful commercial buildings and experiences. But, it will be segregated with the excuse from the black gangs that steal in droves. His predictive programing of speaking about a purge and going after the gangs could ultimately be used to enforce Noahide laws to go after Christians and Sodomites.

Strategies of the Fire:
1. Highjack the Biblical narrative of world burning – know what is coming..
2. Trump a Hero: Will trump rebuild with segregation laws – dream
3. Smart Cities: LA 2.0 is a total smart city effort
4. Disaster capitalism: if you know the future you can profit against it.
5. Ai Beast System: Bring all knowing ai to monitor water and to stop the looting.. Marshal law.
6. Manipulating Media: Control the narrative by owning major media outlets, spreading misinformation, and silencing dissenting voices.
7. Economic Manipulation: Create economic crises to drive inflation – seal 3
8. Surveillance State: Implement widespread surveillance to monitor and control the population, using AI to predict and prevent resistance.
9. Health Crises via poison the food / air: Engineer health crises to justify lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, and increased government control.
10. Land Grab: Buy land for pennies on the dollar
11. Legal Manipulation: Change laws to favor their agenda, making it difficult to rebuild
12. Environmental Manipulation: Use weather modification technologies to create natural disasters, forcing people to relocate.
13. Social Engineering: Promote divisive ideologies to keep the population divided and distracted from the real issues.
14. Technological Dependency: Make society heavily dependent on technology (their enslavement)
15. Resource Control: Gain control over essential resources like water, food, and energy to exert power over the population. Use Ai so everything is not mismanaged
16. Catastrophe bonds – money grab when you predicted it.


Sources / REF: Normal Forest Fire: | Silent Weapons for Quite Wars: |Simpsons (note, many predictive versions on YT): | Body Language Expert: | Good Coverage Deborah Taveras Interview with Patents: Disaster Capitalism:

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Scott, the driving force behind, is a dedicated "watchman" with many years of experience in political analysis and study of biblical truth. His Final Days Report melds current events with scripture and prophecy, offering deep insights to equip and enlighten others in these turbulent times. Check out Scott's e-Book, "Seal One Has Opened that Primes the Fourth Beast System".

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