• Big Picture of Israel Blowing up Pagers and Walkie talkies?
• What else blew up besides the propaganda actor media told you?
• We show the actor media saying no your cell can’t blow up, oh yes they can blow your stuff up.. We show how
• Who do Rabbis say Edom is, the enemy of Israel and how does this fit the Deagle Genocide of WESTERN NATIONS Report
• Why is Israel’s Gaza Ai targeting system called the Gospel
• What does the Zohar say about sacrificing to demons to protect Israel and how does that tie to the Talmud and YOU?
• We play an old Alex Jones clip calling out who runs US Gov..
• We show a former Zionist Jew warning Americans about the POKE
• What about the nano tech in you that can be set off with a frequency?
• Who is the whore and women of the book of Revelation?
• What is Satan’s Trinity?
• Pray Jews get saved by reading Isaiah 53 and endure to the end…
• And much more…
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