It is all a Military Operation. So many Psyops to Cover. FDR: 375
It is a Military Operation, VCAST Covers the Following:
CV19 military involvement before the outbreak
Military control grid of 5G, biosensors, biometrics, AI, and optogenetics
DOD allowed to kill you, remember the nano tech in you that has bio weapons in it. Not to mention the mind control tech to create zombies
Chinese hacked phone calls – what is the psyop and how will this be used for the AI monitor system
World Bank and IMF is a tool of the Military
World Bank missing 41 billion on the climate change scam (probably more)
Cringe MAGA rally with Elon and Mayor Daly
ABC leek – Harris wins PA – the psyop
DNA defilement, iron mixed with clay is a military operation
Mark of the Beast or Beast System money supply – how does this fit TRUMP
Social credit score in China to get gas
Kenya push for ID2020, the playbook that will be implemented everywhere
Why voting boxes catching on fire and the link to ID2020
Occult messaging on the Selection: Polymarket bettors are more bullish on Trump. As of Oct. 30, Trump’s odds of winning on the site are 66.6% to Harris’ 33.4%. Trump’s odds have shifted by 17.6% in the last month, moving the race from “Toss-Up” status to “Lean Trump” by this metric.
Elon said it should be 69% to meet prophecy – what prophecy
Scott, the driving force behind, is a dedicated "watchman" with many years of experience in political analysis and study of biblical truth. His Final Days Report melds current events with scripture and prophecy, offering deep insights to equip and enlighten others in these turbulent times. Check out Scott's e-Book, "Seal One Has Opened that Primes the Fourth Beast System".