Lying Signs and Wonders – Is Elon Musk the False Prophet? FDR: 381

Lying Signs and Wonders – Is Elon Musk the False Prophet? FDR: 381

Lying Signs and Wonders – But lose Free Will under Optogenetics

Is Elon Musk the false prophet part 3? Will Elon cure the blind, lame, crippled, autism, dementia? They create dementia and autism, next cure it. Remember, this is what Jesus did. Everything is a diversion with the Anti Christ Beast System. Why are these actors being propped up so much? Why is Elon’s mom (witch) getting so much press? Is Elon really a hero? Is Trump being pushed as Israel’s Messiah? What is the satanic back story of NASA and why is Elon tied to them. What is the deception behind the second moon?

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Scott, the driving force behind, is a dedicated "watchman" with many years of experience in political analysis and study of biblical truth. His Final Days Report melds current events with scripture and prophecy, offering deep insights to equip and enlighten others in these turbulent times. Check out Scott's e-Book, "Seal One Has Opened that Primes the Fourth Beast System".

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