Stay Vigilant: Spiritual Warfare and the Call to Alertness – Bible Study with Pastor Larry

Stay Vigilant: Spiritual Warfare and the Call to Alertness – Bible Study with Pastor Larry

Brother Larry Bible Study on the Spiritual Warfare Series

In 1 Peter 5:8-9, the word “sober” refers to being alert and vigilant, not just avoiding alcohol. The passage warns that the devil, likened to a roaring lion, seeks to devour believers. The message emphasizes the importance of spiritual vigilance, comparing it to the hyper-alertness required in combat situations like Vietnam. Satan, like a stealthy predator, targets the weak and those not rooted in God’s Word. Believers are urged to put on the full armor of God to withstand these attacks. The podcast highlights the need for spiritual readiness and reliance on God’s provisions to combat the devil and his tactics.

Picture of Pastor Larry

Pastor Larry

Pastor Larry, a seasoned spiritual warrior and Vietnam Marine veteran, brings a wealth of life experience to his video podcasts. With over three years dedicated to studying Ephesians six and spiritual warfare, he combines his military discipline and pastoral insight to deliver engaging, faith-filled content. Beyond the pulpit, Larry's diverse career spans from owning a paint company to teaching, showcasing his versatility and commitment to impacting lives. His encounters with the spiritual realm add a unique depth to his teachings, making him not just a knowledgeable guide in faith but also a relatable and approachable figure.

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