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Elite Playbook for Lawlessness (9 reasons) to DRIVE FEAR and Hypnotize You =Final Days Report #64 at SJWellFire

Elite Playbook for Lawlessness (9 reasons) to DRIVE FEAR and Hypnotize You =Final Days Report #64 at SJWellFire

Lawlessness is a PLAYBOOK by the Elite to Keep you in a TRANCE

We cover 9 reasons for lawlessness that include destroying small business, assault on property rights, eliminate free speech / gun rights, civil war, surveillance state, centralize police, and destroy the family. We talk solutions as well with Scripture to bless Christians and be blessed. Dispensationalism is really wicked and not scriptural.

Self-defense is an essential skill that everyone should learn. Whether you live in a high-crime area or not, it is important to be prepared in case of an emergency. Knowing how to defend yourself can help you feel more confident and secure in your daily life.

At, we believe that self-defense is an important part of personal safety and security. We offer a variety of resources and training programs to help individuals learn how to protect themselves and their loved ones.

We believe that everyone has the right to feel safe and secure in their own community. By learning how to defend yourself, you can take control of your own safety and reduce your vulnerability to crime and violence.

9 Reasons for Lawlessness – Elite Strategic Plan with Solutions (final days report / SJWellfire)

Picture of Scott


Scott, the driving force behind, is a dedicated "watchman" with many years of experience in political analysis and study of biblical truth. His Final Days Report melds current events with scripture and prophecy, offering deep insights to equip and enlighten others in these turbulent times. Check out Scott's e-Book, "Seal One Has Opened that Primes the Fourth Beast System".

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