Porn and Heroin have like Brain Scans showing rewiring and shrinking brains: FDR 135

Porn and Heroin have like Brain Scans showing rewiring and shrinking brains: FDR 135

Porn  Shrinks and Rewrites Your Brain

We show brain scans where porn brain scans look worse than heroin. The evidence is sad how Born can impact your brain and mental health. Porn is going into virtual reality with two way perversions. Why did Hugh Hefner get really into sick perversion. There is a new invention to make Robot skin that will driven the new sex robot trade. We talk scripture as well.

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Scott, the driving force behind, is a dedicated "watchman" with many years of experience in political analysis and study of biblical truth. His Final Days Report melds current events with scripture and prophecy, offering deep insights to equip and enlighten others in these turbulent times. Check out Scott's e-Book, "Seal One Has Opened that Primes the Fourth Beast System".

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