We cover multiple old dreams that appear to be coming true. Many of these dreams are years old. Expect major divide and conquer before the invasion. 1.6 billion illegal in war hallow point bullets will be given to who, China, civil war communists, antifa, pro abortion Satanists, or terrorist cells? We cover the year old dream I had about gas gangs. Hyper inflation. Don’t lose your joy in Christ..
The final chapter of this book advises true Christians how they should live, and what God expects of us as His remnant Bride.
I hear from the Lord with dreams, and as a brother in Christ, I confess that I am not perfect; He is still refining me in my walk to resist worldly lusts . We will have some fun and expose doctrines like the pre-trib rapture, and ‘once saved always saved ’ as false doctrines. With scripture evidence, I believe we will be on earth for the entire 7 years, ending with a post tribulation rapture (I used to be a mid triber and believe that still has merit).
From my Book: I have been shown that judgement is coming to America and Europe. Only people getting saved and walking in the Lord with true repentance can overcome during the coming judgment upon the USA and Europe , and the world. The Lord has showed me pockets of safe havens in the USA and Mexico that might have God’s mercy because of a united front serving the Lord. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Getting into the word of God will be crucial . This book is written with the assumption you have an understanding of basic Biblical principles. And, if you don’t know the KJV Bible, it is never too late to start reading. Jesus Christ is the ONLY Savior , and He is about love and mercy, but He also brings righteous judgement to His people and the world, for the purpose of correction, repentance and salvation! When he comes back again , it will be in Glory and every knee will bow. When you read the old testament there is a theme repeated over and over; Israel sinned against God by rejecting His loving instructions in His WORD, His laws, and by His prophets. When they refused these warnings, either judgement or repentance followed, usually severe judgement, as Deuteronomy 28 spells out perfectly. The USA is at that crossroads, and it might be too late. But we always pray for repentance which may bring revival, also a pattern in the scriptures and history therein.
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