Snake Slim Robot, Is this Black Goo that is Lucifer’s Blood Placing you into the Internet of Things?: FDR 109
Black Goo is Lucifer’s Blood Trying to Inject into You..
Black Goo Snake robot is in the news as something
These posts relate to the “pharmakeia” that has DNA defilement tech, as the days of Noah, and nano tech to turn you into a bio hacked individual.
Think of iron mixed with clay, the seeds of men will not cleave.
Black Goo is Lucifer’s Blood Trying to Inject into You..
Black Goo Snake robot is in the news as something
Dr. Harari Decoder of Satanic Agenda
Everything is an inversion of the KJV. This is truly the fourth beast rising
Can Life Insurance Policies not Pay from vaccine death?
Case law around the world allows for insurance companies to not
Clot Shot is Iron Mixed with Clay – Other Supporting Scripture plus more occult evidence with Daniels Fourth Beast System
A lawyer covers the Supreme Court MRNa patent law. Creepy. Patented, tracked, enslaved and stacked. Is this because the 5G
Cover Super / GMO / Zombie Soldiers plus a Banned Video at the ISP level
I have two stories that
One World Government Beast Technology to Track you Sponsored by Your POPE
Pope Francis secretly met with abortion-pushing Pfizer CEO