Global warming, climate change is cover to enslave you. It’s from the Club of Rome think tank. Is a market of death being created to promote human fertilizer? Human fertilizer is demonic and what does this do to our food? Are we being primed to be cannibals? Does Carbon Dioxide help grow more effectively fruits and vegetables. Is nano tech also in our food? What is it’s true purpose. We’ll revisit how much Farm land Bill Gates owns and why. Do you remember when a hospital was busted for organ harvesting? What about the bio slug, what else is in this toxic soup. Pray these leaders come to Christ and be whistle blowers. Time to learn to grow where you are and know your food more than ever.
Nano Tech –
Taste for Humans / Cannibals’
bill gates, water cremation, humans in waste water, dissolve bodies into water, liquid human fertilizer, corpse into compost, fear, purge, end times, genocide, democide, qr scan number, cognitive triangle, Elisha, behead
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