Is this planet x? New excuse to poke you. STDs are on fire. Trump post says he is second to Jesus. Catholic church and pope getting cozy with homosexuals. EMP dream. Get saved.
From ebook:
Vaccines is a Depopulation Playbook used Throughout History
Satan comes to kill steal and destroy There is nothing new under the sun. Many scientific articles and books depict how HIV / Aids were created by government scientists, and spread with vaccines. We know people in the early 1900s died from small pox vaccines.[i] According to the corrupt CDC, they admit that known cancer viruses were also spread to millions via the polio vaccine. From Natural News, “Recently the Center for Disease Control and Prevention deleted from its website pages revealing that the government-sanctioned polio vaccine that was administered to some 98 million Americans from 1955 to 1963 had been contaminated with a primate form of cancer virus.”[ii]
You can do your research and find some studies show that one in two people will get cancer. Depopulation is a policy of the USA government all the way back to the 70s under Kissinger.[iii] From John Rappaport, “Kissinger-commissioned 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200, “which addressed population issues.”…the true concern of Kissinger analysts [in Memorandum 200] was maintenance of US access to Third World resources. They worried that the ‘political consequences’ of population growth [in the Third World] could produce internal instability … With famine and food riots and the breakdown of social order in such countries, [the Kissinger memo warns that] ‘the smooth flow of needed materials will be jeopardized.’” In other words, too many people equals disruption for the transnational corporations, who steal nations from those very people.”[iv][v]
My advice is stay healthy by not injecting yourself with anything from doctors, white coat butchers, and/or big pharma. Remember, the medical systems logo has a snake, and vaccine needles were designed from snake fangs!. Most people trust doctors as gods, but many die from taking their “ approved” drugs. Would you drink mercury, anti-freeze, formaldehyde, aluminum, dyes, dead babies, sheep’s blood, and God only knows what else? Yes, all these are found in most vaccines as CDC has listed ingredients these on their website. So why would you inject this into your body ? The elite go after certain people for extermination like people living in Africa, homosexuals, and they have posted their number for earths population on the Georgia Guidestones, which was recently destroyed. It said, “Maintain the earths population at 500,000,000. That begs the question now doesn’t it?
USA Homosexual Men Infected by HIV from a Vaccine[vi]
I’m shocked how the homosexual community loves Dr. Fauci. If only they knew they are just a sacrifice to Baal, and a tool for the elite. Deceiving and being deceived, the blind leading the blind, wolves in sheep’s clothing, all of this is so true in the times that we live. Homosexuals are played as pongs in the game to bring in perversion that destroys Gods Word and reduces the population. And the elite want homosexuals dead. More evidence of vaccine genocide playbook from Dr Cantwell: Man-Made HIV/AIDS Was Government Eugenics Program Alexander Light July 30, 2017 goes on the say. “Thirty-five million people worldwide have died of AIDS; and millions more are currently infected. How did AIDS start? My research suggests HIV entered the gay population via an experimental hepatitis B vaccine that had been contaminated by a chimpanzee virus. This vaccine was administered to gay men in preliminary trials shortly before 1976-1977 and during the actual hepatitis B experiment (1978-1980) at the New York Blood Center in Manhattan.”[vii] (Light, 2017) John Rappaport wrote the forward to the book and is one of the best medical journalists.
Via Children’s Health Defense, “During the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, Dr. Anthony Fauci discouraged and prevented inexpensive treatments for AIDS and focused exclusively on AZT. He’s doing the same thing today with COVID, focusing on highly profitable vaccines and ignoring potentially safe and effective treatments.”[viii] This is the same playbook we saw with treatments for CV19 that was vilified in the MSN.
Dr. Blaylock’s article on the NIH site says, “Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most cited experts in his field, who has successfully treated over 2000 COVID patients by using a protocol of early treatment (which the so-called experts completely ignored), has been the victim of a particularly vicious assault by those benefiting financially from the vaccines. He has published his results in peer reviewed journals, reporting an 80% reduction in hospitalizations and a 75% reduction in deaths by using early treatment.[44] Despite this, he is under an unrelenting series of attacks by the information controllers, none of which have treated a single patient.”[ix] In the article, Blaylock calls the centralized treatment protocol a genocide , while rejecting proven off the shelf drugs which many doctors used successfully avoiding death and hospitalizations..
If you’re in any kind of sexual sin, repent and come to Christ. But the elite, not only tried to wipe out homosexuals with HIV, they also targeted Africa.
NIH pushes Transhumanism Tech
From NIH website, this transhumanism tech is front and center. Is graphene oxide the black goo in you that is the war on the blood? “In this paper, the advances in radio-frequency (RF)/microwave biosensors based on graphene nanomaterials including graphene, graphene oxide (GO), and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) are reviewed. From a few frontier studies, recently developed graphene nanomaterials-based RF/microwave biosensors are examined in-depth and discussed. Finally, the prospects and challenges of the next-generation RF/microwave biosensors for wireless biomedical applications are proposed. Fortunately, a few frontier research groups have recently opened the possibility of utilizing a graphene-based RFID system for wireless biomedical application.” The evidence, graphene is already in play in you. Bio means you. why was the inventor of this technology recently arrested?
Lieber Arrested: Why ?– To Control his Transhumanism Technology?
Don’t believe that there is nano tech in the operating system / witches brew? You have to ask, why was Lieber, the Harvard Professor and inventor of certain nano tech used in the injections, arrested. His technology is so brilliant, it is needed to implement this Iron mixed with clay fourth beast system rising on a human cell level. From a Harvard article, “Lieber has worked for the past decade on the design and synthesis of nanoscale parts that will enable him to build tiny electronic devices (see “Liquid Computing,” November-December 2001, page 20). Devising a biological interface, in which a nanoscale device can actually communicate with a living organism, has been an explicit goal from the beginning, but has proven tricky. At its simplest, the problem was inserting a transistor constructed on a flat plane (think of the surface of a computer chip) into a three-dimensional object: a cell perhaps 10 microns in size. Merely piercing the cell was not enough, because transistors need a source wire from which electrons flow and a drain wire through which they are discharged. Harvard’s Charles M. Lieber holds the U.S. Patent for using 5G radiation to vibrate corona virus particles from preset nanotubule containers. Nanotechnology Weaponized to Deliver Viruses.”
Notice, 5G interfacing with the above elements is key for this nano tech to work in you. And, Lieber holds the patent of 5G radiation to vibrate corona virus particles . You have a deadly toxic soup in you all by design. Was this what happened at Astro World and the rampant death? It’s ironic 5G is being implemented everywhere, at the same time this witches brew madness is being rolled out. Is this a turn on kill switch? A primer of death?
What is 5Gs Purpose with the Fourth Beast Rising
Since Lucifer is the great copycat, 5G is the fake holy ghost, and artificial intelligence with a quantum computer is Lucifer playing God, the anti christ consciousness placed on the super computer will mimic Christ. 5G connects signals at a cellular level. It needs to be implemented for spy grid in your head.
It’s called silent weapons for quiet wars. The global elite want to get everyone vaccinated with an mRNA / Nano technology / graphene oxide that has caused many people to be magnetic, admit high EMF readings, and does not give much if any CV19 protection, according to the Pfizer CEO, even after multiple boosters. A complete delusion of the masses! As we’ve demonstrated, many people have been assigned product codes that can be picked up by a Bluetooth scanner. Graphene oxide appears to be the technology critical to turn you into an operating system with a two-way communication node. From multiple articles, “when graphene oxide is hit with 26 GHZ by 5G, it appears to have self-assembling nano tech in the human body allowing for electromagnetic communication in nanonetworks, with novel graphene based plasmonic nano antennas are proposed, modeled and analyzed in scientific papers.” Graphene boosts GHz signals into terahertz territory according to scientists.” (Reese, 2022) This will be activated by Graphene, which will empower the terahertz causing the nano tech to self-assemble in the body. Once assembled, the nano tech is the foundation to an internal electronic bio system that emits addresses, is an antenna, has ac dc capabilities, and has logic gates.(?) This is the tech for doing said tasks like the proposed 060606 (666) Microsoft patent, that will give you digital currency by doing said task monitored within your body. This mass enslavement experiment is the last beast system talked about by Daniel in the Old Testament. Multiple scientific groups have seen nano tech in the witches brew. It’s the mRNA creating new protein growth and/or the graphene oxide that is demonstrating magnetic properties, yet not fully effective as it is yielding human immune system disruption with blood clots and cardiac arrhythmia as just part of the death and destruction being recorded, but not reported. Soccer players are just dropping dead, and last checked, close to one thousand athletes in their prime have fallen with heart issues. There end goal is, you will be a computer with no need for a cell phone or computer. You’re being rewired.
According to many experts like Erica Kaun people have died via radiation poisoning with the launch of 5G in combination with this shot. This also has a a combined effect ,, with the nano particles and graphene oxide injection causing people to be getting cooked faster. There is a deliberate strategy to launch 5G,which is a patented frequency weapon system also being used for crowd control. The frequency is needed for the internet of things to roll out for it works on a cellular level that complements the control grid and maybe the vehicle to cause kill grid system. What happened at Astroworld where the cell phone technology was shut down and death ran rampant? From State of the Nation, “Harvard’s Charles M. Lieber holds the U.S. Patent for using 5G radiation to vibrate corona virus particles from preset nanotubule containers. Harvard Pilgrims Society professor-surrogate exploited like Zuckerberg and the other Silicon Valley stooges to weaponize nanotechnology to deliver viruses and other weaponized pathogens via 5G (boil the water in the nanotube with 5G milliwave-lengths and it will release its toxic payload, see above); is this what happened in Wuhan, China?”
At the concert, It appeared people did not suffocate but rather died from other causes. 5G is a very high frequency weapon that is 10 x faster than its predecessors and it causes cell poisoning. Our natural defense mechanism is pushing out these poisons. 5G is needed to run the world with the global human currency, driverless cars, holograms (6g better) and AI. Lucifer has a short time to make war with the saints / elect and he will demand that all worship his beast system in the next 35 years
Why Moderna is Pushed Heavy by NIH / DARPA / Bill Gates
The mRNA technology in you is from DARPA, a military organization and appears to have financial stakes with the NIH. This is evil. According to Axios: “One of the covid-19 vaccine manufactures most talked about in the media is Moderna, a biotech company co-founded by Robert Langer, a researcher and inventor at MIT. In 2013, the biotech startup received $25m in funding from DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), a research arm of the United States Department of Defense, and an organization well-known for ruthlessly pursuing dystopian, transhumanist technologies, such as implantable nanoparticles and bio-brain interfaces). Noteworthy is that the US government, through the National Institute of Health, appears to have a financial stake in the Moderna vaccine thanks to a contract signed by both parties, giving the NIH joint ownership over Moderna’s mRNA vaccine candidates.”
So why poke you with nano tech and mRNA delivery system? Again, it appears to destroy God’s Creation, always satans goal, and with the nano tech it can have complete control of you. Most likely, to steal your soul and to turn you into a nonhuman , a Zombie Do you understand now why these freaks need to take the guns?
CV19 Predicted by the Bible
Form Ebook:
From NIH website, this transhumanism tech is front and center. Is graphene oxide the black goo in you that is the war on the blood? “In this paper, the advances in radio-frequency (RF)/microwave biosensors based on graphene nanomaterials including graphene, graphene oxide (GO), and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) are reviewed. From a few frontier studies, recently developed graphene nanomaterials-based RF/microwave biosensors are examined in-depth and discussed. Finally, the prospects and challenges of the next-generation RF/microwave biosensors for wireless biomedical applications are proposed. Fortunately, a few frontier research groups have recently opened the possibility of utilizing a graphene-based RFID system for wireless biomedical application.” [i] The evidence, graphene is already in play in you. Bio means you. why was the inventor of this technology recently arrested?
Don’t believe that there is nano tech in the operating system / witches brew? You have to ask, why was Lieber, the Harvard Professor and inventor of certain nano tech used in the injections, arrested. His technology is so brilliant, it is needed to implement this Iron mixed with clay fourth beast system rising on a human cell level. From a Harvard article, “Lieber has worked for the past decade on the design and synthesis of nanoscale parts that will enable him to build tiny electronic devices (see “Liquid Computing,” November-December 2001, page 20). Devising a biological interface, in which a nanoscale device can actually communicate with a living organism, has been an explicit goal from the beginning, but has proven tricky. At its simplest, the problem was inserting a transistor constructed on a flat plane (think of the surface of a computer chip) into a three-dimensional object: a cell perhaps 10 microns in size. Merely piercing the cell was not enough, because transistors need a source wire from which electrons flow and a drain wire through which they are discharged. Harvard’s Charles M. Lieber holds the U.S. Patent for using 5G radiation to vibrate corona virus particles from preset nanotubule containers. Nanotechnology Weaponized to Deliver Viruses.”[ii] [iii]
Notice, 5G interfacing with the above elements is key for this nano tech to work in you. And, Lieber holds the patent of 5G radiation to vibrate corona virus particles . You have a deadly toxic soup in you all by design. Was this what happened at Astro World and the rampant death? It’s ironic 5G is being implemented everywhere, at the same time this witches brew madness is being rolled out. Is this a turn on kill switch? A primer of death?
Since Lucifer is the great copycat, 5G is the fake holy ghost, and artificial intelligence with a quantum computer is Lucifer playing God, the anti christ consciousness placed on the super computer will mimic Christ. 5G connects signals at a cellular level. It needs to be implemented for spy grid in your head.
It’s called silent weapons for quiet wars. The global elite want to get everyone vaccinated with an mRNA / Nano technology / graphene oxide that has caused many people to be magnetic, admit high EMF readings, and does not give much if any CV19 protection, according to the Pfizer CEO, even after multiple boosters. A complete delusion of the masses! As we’ve demonstrated, many people have been assigned product codes that can be picked up by a Bluetooth scanner. Graphene oxide appears to be the technology critical to turn you into an operating system with a two-way communication node. From multiple articles, “when graphene oxide is hit with 26 GHZ by 5G, it appears to have self-assembling nano tech in the human body allowing for electromagnetic communication in nanonetworks, with novel graphene based plasmonic nano antennas are proposed, modeled and analyzed in scientific papers.”[iv] [v] Graphene boosts GHz signals into terahertz territory according to scientists.” (Reese, 2022) This will be activated by Graphene, which will empower the terahertz causing the nano tech to self-assemble in the body. Once assembled, the nano tech is the foundation to an internal electronic bio system that emits addresses, is an antenna, has ac dc capabilities, and has logic gates.(?) This is the tech for doing said tasks like the proposed 060606 (666) Microsoft patent, that will give you digital currency by doing said task monitored within your body.[vi] This mass enslavement experiment is the last beast system talked about by Daniel in the Old Testament. Multiple scientific groups have seen nano tech in the witches brew. It’s the mRNA creating new protein growth and/or the graphene oxide that is demonstrating magnetic properties, yet not fully effective as it is yielding human immune system disruption with blood clots and cardiac arrhythmia as just part of the death and destruction being recorded, but not reported. Soccer players are just dropping dead, and last checked, close to one thousand athletes in their prime have fallen with heart issues.[vii] There end goal is, you will be a computer with no need for a cell phone or computer. You’re being rewired.
According to many experts like Erica Kaun people have died via radiation poisoning with the launch of 5G in combination with this shot. This also has a a combined effect ,, with the nano particles and graphene oxide injection causing people to be getting cooked faster. There is a deliberate strategy to launch 5G,which is a patented frequency weapon system also being used for crowd control. The frequency is needed for the internet of things to roll out for it works on a cellular level that complements the control grid and maybe the vehicle to cause kill grid system. What happened at Astroworld where the cell phone technology was shut down and death ran rampant?[viii] From State of the Nation, “Harvard’s Charles M. Lieber holds the U.S. Patent for using 5G radiation to vibrate corona virus particles from preset nanotubule containers. Harvard Pilgrims Society professor-surrogate exploited like Zuckerberg and the other Silicon Valley stooges to weaponize nanotechnology to deliver viruses and other weaponized pathogens via 5G (boil the water in the nanotube with 5G milliwave-lengths and it will release its toxic payload, see above); is this what happened in Wuhan, China?”[ix]
At the concert, It appeared people did not suffocate but rather died from other causes. 5G is a very high frequency weapon that is 10 x faster than its predecessors and it causes cell poisoning.[x] Our natural defense mechanism is pushing out these poisons. 5G is needed to run the world with the global human currency, driverless cars, holograms (6g better) and AI.[xi] Lucifer has a short time to make war with the saints / elect and he will demand that all worship his beast system in the next 35 years
The mRNA technology in you is from DARPA, a military organization and appears to have financial stakes with the NIH. This is evil. According to Axios: “One of the covid-19 vaccine manufactures most talked about in the media is Moderna, a biotech company co-founded by Robert Langer, a researcher and inventor at MIT. In 2013, the biotech startup received $25m in funding from DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), a research arm of the United States Department of Defense, and an organization well-known for ruthlessly pursuing dystopian, transhumanist technologies, such as implantable nanoparticles and bio-brain interfaces). Noteworthy is that the US government, through the National Institute of Health, appears to have a financial stake in the Moderna vaccine thanks to a contract signed by both parties, giving the NIH joint ownership over Moderna’s mRNA vaccine candidates.”[xii]
So why poke you with nano tech and mRNA delivery system? Again, it appears to destroy God’s Creation, always satans goal, and with the nano tech it can have complete control of you. Most likely, to steal your soul and to turn you into a nonhuman , a Zombie Do you understand now why these freaks need to take the guns?
[iv] INBRAIN Neuroelectronics receives funding to push forward the development of graphene-based implants for brain disorders | Graphene-Info
[iv] Kissinger and depopulation « Jon Rappoport’s Blog (
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