Programmed Mentally and Physically for a Taste for Humans / Cannibals – Final Days Report #70, SJWellFire

Programmed Mentally and Physically for a Taste for Humans / Cannibals – Final Days Report #70, SJWellFire

Demonstrate the Evidence of the Cannibal Satanic Agenda and Depopulation Playbook..

Did the military do zombie mass extermination exercise and are allowed to kill humans if they are not human. Does the MRNa vaccine mean you are no longer human and not longer have any rights? Did Amazon have in their terms of service a human eating zombie clause. Is cannibalisms being pushed in the news and education to solve the fake climate scam and world hunger? Did a high powerful wizard say abortions are a sacrifice to lucifer. Did mad cow disease impact by cannibalism / unnatural diet. Are we being feed dead baby dna in our food and vaccines to get a taste for humans? What is up with pre-programing to control all humans via 5G. Was cannibalisms in the Bible and did those that sacrifice their kids to Moloch eat their kids? Are satanists vampires or werewolves? Cannot make this up. Do Satanist show you in plain site what they are doing. Pray in the name of Jesus to rebuke their wicked plans.

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Scott, the driving force behind, is a dedicated "watchman" with many years of experience in political analysis and study of biblical truth. His Final Days Report melds current events with scripture and prophecy, offering deep insights to equip and enlighten others in these turbulent times. Check out Scott's e-Book, "Seal One Has Opened that Primes the Fourth Beast System".

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