Know your Enemy. Did you know Pfizer Investment Board has 70 Chinese Communist. If true, it makes sense for the total destruction of the west to destroy your rights. We unlock lord Vader and his army of foot soldiers to bring in the great reset enslavement system that can read your thoughts. Pure MRNa evil tied to the internet of things, AI, and mind enslavement. Pray his network collapses.
From ebook:
Dream: Internet of Things Hive Mind Police Force
I saw a man with a prostitute which was illegal, and the spy grid new it. Next, I saw two men get dinged by their cell phones that notified them of the location of the man that had done the illegal act with the hooker. The two men acted as police with the person that just used a hooker and confronted the man. The three men were zombie controlled, and started to shoot at each other with guns. It appeared to be a blood lust on an AI type snitch system. Their souls were sucked away when these people became mind controlled. In my spirit, their brain was linked to the hive mind internet of things and AI. Lucifer will be omni present just as Klaus Schwab said , “we’ll know your thoughts and all your actions.” This was a remote magnetic manipulation of the nervous system with a two-way connection to AI. How will this play out with the Anti-Christ and the Mark of the Beast, the next 30 years? This system is a war on God’s DNA and the temple of God that is you. The Poke is the foundation of the Fourth Beast System Rising that is Iron (graphene oxide) mixed in Clay, YOU.
The fourth Beast System Rising is technology that defiles the temple of God, the same thing that was happening in the days of Noah. The evidence is undeniable. The opening of Seal one that we proved, is the keystone to make this happen. The Fourth Beast Rising spoken of by Daniel has many interpretations by Biblical Scholars. But you need to tie in Satan’s army linking to the Fourth Industrial Revolution that has the following elements as described by the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab and from the UK Government website. They both describe the Fourth Industrial Revolution (fourth beast rising) “characterized by a fusion of technologies – such as artificial intelligence, gene editing (God’s DNA destruction), quantum computing (AI) and advanced robotics – that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological worlds.” (Klaus Schwab, 2020) Think about it, your body if shot with the fake vaccine, is being programed to produce spike proteins that are toxic.[ii] Why would anybody want to do this? Besides the mRNA that can defile your very DNA, there is a picture of nano tech in the ‘vaccine’ / operating system that is creating some sort of machine system.[iii] This is beyond evil as it is put in you without your consent. Look at the perfect edges. (, 2022)
You have a nano tech machine being formed in your body. In other words, as the days of Noah when fallen angels defiled God’s creation mating with women and having six toed Giant children, Nephilim, the current injections are causing God’s DNA is defiled (according to a geneticist) and the technology and nano tech machines are being created. (Ruby, 2022) Psalm 2:2-4 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Bands (means bond, holder, restraint = God’s DNA) asunder, and cast away their cords (means rope, twined) from us. Bands and cords remind me of DNA strands being destroyed by the leaders of this world, i.e. Gates, Fauci, Klaus and his gang. We are seeing a high jacking of God’s image and creation that can be controlled by a super computer, so Lucifer’s anti-Christ can sit in the temple of God, that is your body, the temple, which is in my opinion the true abomination of desolation. Think bigger.
Klaus Schwab’s book talks about knowing your thoughts, “can intrude into hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior.” (Klaus Schwab, 2020) So they think they will be reading your thoughts and influencing your behavior. You will be cut off from God. This is Satan’s way of being omnipresent like God. It gets worse, you are a genetically modified enslave human, GMeH that is patented, tracked, and stacked.
Lucifer wants to be omnipresent like God and is the great copycat. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum said, “As the technologies…give us deeper access to parts of ourselves, we may begin to integrate digital technologies into our bodies.” “Neurotechnologies enable us to better influence consciousness and thought, and to understand many activities of the brain. They include decoding what we are thinking in fine levels of detail through new chemicals and interventions that can influence our brains to correct for errors or enhance functionality.” (Klaus Schwab, 2020)
A WEF video said about 2030, “You’ll own nothing and like it…” Are people moving toward a complete mind controlled, zombie slave race if they survive this wicked poison? One of the wildest podcasts I did was how there is remote access technology to plant and erase memories by messing with your DNA.[iv] You need to think about why the abortion reversal of Roe vs. Wade happened. Do the elite have a zombie army to destroy the USA since the country has been looted? We’ll discuss later in the Book, Operation Crimson Mist with mind control technology that reportedly ignited the Rwanda genocide. . Is this Seal 2 priming that is civil war?
According to a patent attorney, with the mRNA technology editing your genome with synthetic DNA, you are no longer human but rather a patentable genetically modified enslaved human or GMeH™. You’re a new species that is not a human. Yes, there is news mRNA does in fact change your DNA as reported by Forbes Magazine, and , of course ,their quick retraction of the story. (Forbes Deletes Headline After Article Claims Vaccines ‘Change Your DNA’, 2021) An interesting headline with a technical paper, “Yes, the Vaccine Can Change Your DNA, a study at the University of Lund. A Swedish study has found that the messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA) in Pfizer’s COVID vaccine is able to be reverse transcribed into DNA.”[v] There is case law by the Supreme Court that you are now patented and property of the gene editor.[vi] Klaus went on to say in his book that this transhumanism / technocratic governance will not have a, “healthy open society.” (Klaus Schwab, 2020) They want to design the future that will take away your free will and turn you into a controlled zombie and ultimately steal your soul. The technology is so advanced that when the elite say they can take away your free will, you better believe them. There are multiple technologies where memories can be added or taken away and this technology was disclosed years ago way before you were injected with this nano tech. These elite say you no longer have free will, that humans are hackable animals; and you’d better believe that they are years ahead of what they disclose.
We’ve proved Seal one has opened, the toxon injection has been launched into humanity, and the elite say free will is dead. Have they created a zombie patented army that primes seal 2 for pure chaos? Cities or at least Christian establishments will and have been burned because of the reversal of Roe vs. Wade. The death cult is in motion on many levels. The elite need to destroy nation states to bring in the one world government by using chaos, then bringing in their answer to it: complete totalitarian, satanic, control.
Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab’s infamous futurist, talks about measuring you with complete surveillance under your skin and eliminating your free will. “Free will is dead,” he goes on to say. This is the Hive Mind they are creating, with two-way communication from them to anyone linked up with the beast system and AI.
This transhumanist agenda will know everything you think and do. Harari says, “We are upgrading humans into gods.” “Humans are now hackable animals.” “Jesus is fake news.” The idea of a soul and free will is over.” Think of the mRNA operating system with nano tech that ties you to the hive mind controlled by AI, with total biometric surveillance and control. This is a satanic freak show agenda. I’ll say it again, the futurist said, “Jesus is fake news.” Would you take this witches brew that appears to be a demonic sole sucker to lose your free will? Have you already?
The agenda is to give up your privacy for security, using fear as the driver. This anti-Christ futurist goes on to say, humans are not needed and we need to entertain them with drugs and video games. Video games will be virtual reality like Meta from Facebook. I heard a pastor that is awake to this enslavement system say, he thinks the elite need us for our children and their satanic appetite for pedophilia (think Wiki Leaks). You’re destined to become a hacked engineered controlled zombie. Again, this homosexual really rips on Jesus as fake news. [vii] He talks intelligent design by scientists,or, as I like to say ,your designed by an anti-Christ scientific priest network. Again, let this sink in, humans are hackable animals and you no longer have free will.[viii]
This is the great falling away from God and removing of the holy ghost since Satan’s plan is to eliminate and defile God’s creation, as the days of Noah.[ix] I can see how all thoughts were evil all the time, as in the days of Noah. As stated above, you will be patented according to the Supreme Court if your DNA is changed / added to the mRNA operating system.[x] And yes, studies show and the inventor of the technology demonstrates, your DNA changes.[xi] Is Synthetic DNA added also? This technology is evil and the creators and owners of it rule the world linking your thoughts to Artificial Intelligence. Think the MATRIX, a perfect depiction of the AI computer using humans for energy, and p[lacing their bodies in a pod, their consciousness in a perpetual dream state. Many have been deceived by Pharmacia, sorcery, and as the Bible says a strong delusion has been released. Life is in the blood and it is interesting how the vaccine creates a spike protein that taints the blood and causes death. The spike is poison and you’re producing it. And what is growing in the veins is causing major clots and death. If you survive the genocide, how does the transhumanism tech work in humans?
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