Veteran Gun Grab, WHY? FDR: 198

Veteran Gun Grab, WHY? FDR: 198

Why is there so much Chaos?

Why do the elite want destroy your rights?   Why are the elite admitting chemtrails?   Why are the elite trying to start a race war?   Why is there so much Chaos?    Is this in the Bible?   Must listen.    Watch FDR 198 Bible Study Part 2..  Check us out at Sjwellfire.

From Ebook Snippet: Cuba and Russia Invade

Another dream I saw Russia troops parachuting down and we had to run (years ago before Russia was the boogie man).   This dream was way before the Russia gate scam.   The most vivid dream, I was in the back of a military vehicle (prisoner / display) and saw a bombed-out buildings like Dresden and a withered crowd forced to wave a flag that I had to research after the dream.   It was a Cuban flag.  Wave flags or else was in my spirit.  The great Judge is coming for our wickedness and sin.   In my spirit, I heard, what a waste of the first born.   I’m shocked of articles talking about Russian military in Cuba and Venezuela.    I had a vivid dream about a gun grab via false flags before the invasion of China Soldiers.  This dream I had was to fight parachuting Chinese soldiers with whatever I had (Americans were disarmed).  This is not about right vs. left, but rather it is about souls and the destruction of the USA for Satan’s one world Government.  Even the POPE has said the USA needs to give up its rights to be governed by a one world government. A headline, POPE FRANCIS: AMERICA MUST BE PLACED UNDER A GLOBAL GOVERNMENT. The government puppets will go after the guns by using their false flag mind-controlled zombies .   The cops will stand down to maximize the death count.

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Scott, the driving force behind, is a dedicated "watchman" with many years of experience in political analysis and study of biblical truth. His Final Days Report melds current events with scripture and prophecy, offering deep insights to equip and enlighten others in these turbulent times. Check out Scott's e-Book, "Seal One Has Opened that Primes the Fourth Beast System".

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