We cover Putin’s 2018 Speech of the Perversion of the USA. How evil is Fauci funding evil and his evil policies. Was there a transvestite in church giving communion? I had a vision about kids getting defiled in church. How many genders are there in a CA textbook? Sodom and USA.
Don’t think Putin will save you. Even Russia is launching a CBDC. Central Bank Digital Currency is part of universal basic income that will destroy the old banking system and I think plays into the Microsoft 666 patent mentioned above. This digital wallet will have rules where and how, you can spend your money. It is programmable and should be called a voucher.
I can see it, because scripture is clear about this: If are you a Christian and don’t sign on and follow on to worship the Beast / Anti-Christ, then no income. Rev. 13:
and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
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