Dream, Dead Church Preaches to Disarm before Genocide. FDR 130
History of Take the Guns to Genocide
Go over the gun grab to democide (government genocide) history and the
These posts involve efforts to unite and consolidate power on a global scale, as seen from a biblical perspective.
This subject can be viewed through the lens of biblical prophecies, which foresee the rise of powerful and influential entities or nations that play a role in shaping the end times and the fulfillment of God’s plan. This includes the “order out of chaos” and “divide and conquer” strategies.
History of Take the Guns to Genocide
Go over the gun grab to democide (government genocide) history and the
False Flag for Gun Grab before China / Russia invasion.. Had True Interference with the video
We cover multiple old
Human Trafficking is an End of Days Sign by CPS
Cover Senator exposing cps human trafficking and how she
End of America Dreams Builds Upon 1933 Pastor’s Vision
I’m a bit blown away with a Pastor from 1933 having
Mark of the Beast Technology, Can’t Buy or Sell
Cover the evil enslavement plan to universal basic income, vaccine passport
Unholy One World Alliance to Bring in 2030
Bible is coming true before your eyes.. UN and WEF join forces