Are Animals Being Controlled? FDR: 183
We cover the strange animal behavior. Is there gene defilement and nano tech involved? Bill Gates is investing in creating
These posts involve efforts to unite and consolidate power on a global scale, as seen from a biblical perspective.
This subject can be viewed through the lens of biblical prophecies, which foresee the rise of powerful and influential entities or nations that play a role in shaping the end times and the fulfillment of God’s plan. This includes the “order out of chaos” and “divide and conquer” strategies.
We cover the strange animal behavior. Is there gene defilement and nano tech involved? Bill Gates is investing in creating
Next Plandemic
Did your government patent Ebola strains? Does Moderna have an mRNA Ebola vaccine? Is Ebola fear in
NY Fed Launches Digital Dollar Pilot Program With Big Banks that is the Mark of the BEAST Technology.
Plus, WHO
We cover = Planet x in the news. Real non spiked blood bank business idea. Genocide to save the planet.
Was the FTX Crash by Design?
Is the FTX collapse a psyop? Is this a wealth grab? Who is Bankman
Cop 27 is an Enslavement Playbook
Club of Rome psyop to enslave, control you using global crisis scam. Carbon Dioxide
The End of Days one World Government is Mind Controlism. It is a war for your soul.
What to Look for in Ingredients that Could Carry Nano Tech
Glycol is used to distribute nano tech self assembling,
Pro Life Volunteer Shot Going Door to Door
Life is in the blood and Satanists invert everything. How much have