It is all a Military Operation. So many Psyops to Cover. FDR: 375
It is a Military Operation
• CV19 military involvement before the outbreak
• Military control grid of 5G,
It is a Military Operation
• CV19 military involvement before the outbreak
• Military control grid of 5G,
Will Trump Censor the Internet? His Words. Your watching a Script
• Harris psyop about Hitler and Trump
News Psyops to prime for Mass Murder, Civil War, Mind Control tech:
DOD can now kill you
The Un Pact for America fits perfectly the Climate Change Script:
Hurricane Weather Weapon Trauma of our kids
Climate Change Trick, Weather Weapons are real:
Strange patterns in the water and sky.. Harped?
FEMA supporting LGBTQ
Is Weather War in the Bible and is it an End of Days Marker?
1. Evidence they can control weather<br
Trump calls for a purge. Are you enjoying the script? Remember the Census building went off with a purge like
Christian Zionist must listen, VCAST Covers:
Big Picture of Israel Blowing up Pagers and Walkie talkies?
What else
Taking US to War VCAST Covers
Censorship: Media is being shut down and URLs are being confiscated