In recent years, discussions surrounding China’s social credit score system have captured global attention and raised concerns about its impact on individual freedom and privacy. While China’s system remains unique to its own context, there are growing fears that similar systems could emerge in other parts of the world with the Amazon story shutting down SMART equipment because of words and the WHO treaty. This VCAST explores the Luciferian social credit score system, its potential implications, and the concerns surrounding the World Health Organization (WHO) as it relates to free speech, disease control, fake climate change, and global governance.
China’s social credit score system is a wicked and controversial apparatus that aims to evaluate and rank individuals and businesses based on their social behavior, financial transactions, and adherence to government policies. While satanic proponents argue that it promotes trust and integrity, logical people fear that it poses a significant threat to personal freedoms, privacy, and human rights.
The concern arises when contemplating the possibility of similar systems being adopted in other countries. Such systems could infringe upon civil liberties, including free speech. However, it is important to note that social credit systems are not yet widespread outside of China, but we know the USA government has shut down peoples twitter accounts and is launch FED NOW that will control the movement of money. CBDC ties into this wicked control grid.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is an international body responsible for coordinating global health efforts and providing guidance during plandemics and public health emergencies. It has a enslavement role in disease surveillance, response coordination, and the development of international health regulations.
Recent discussions around a plandemic treaty have raised concerns about the potential concentration of power in global health governance. Critics argue that if a treaty were to grant excessive authority to the WHO, it will have implications for free speech, not only on suppressing medical truth but extending beyond disease control by intersect with other man made societal issues such as the make-believe Club of Rome man-made climate change that vilifies Carbon Dioxide that humans breath.
The One Health approach emphasizes the interconnection between human, animal, and environmental health. It recognizes that the well-being of all three components is essential for overall health. The WHO has aligned with this, as it recognizes the need for collaboration across sectors to address complex health challenges. One Health views humans the same as animals. There logo one can clearly see the six, six, six baked in it and it will be used for a technocracy takedown of biology better known as the biology economy.
The One Health approach, when combined with the WHO’s potential expanded powers, leads to a consolidation of authority and decision-making in global health. One Health has impact on personal freedoms, as decisions related to areas such as communication, economics, civil society, global trade, commerce, security, public policy, and regulation could be influenced by the WHO. This is the fourth Reich or fourth industrial revolution.
While the concerns presented in this VCAST are valid points for alarm, it is essential to approach them with understanding the Bible and the Word of God. The elite will get their one world government. This is SEAL one used for running the world via plandemics. It primes the mark of the beast.
The emergence of China’s social credit score system and discussions surrounding the WHO’s role in global governance and disease control deserve disobedience and scrutiny. With understanding, complete noncompliance is key. Please pray this wicked plan falls on its face.
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