Bolshevic USA Takeover = Final Days Report #45

Bolshevic USA Takeover = Final Days Report #45

Final Days Report:   USA taken over by Bolsheviks without a shot fired.. Final Days Report

My family has been through this same playbook of Bolshevik Satanist / Communist. My family members were sent to Siberia by Lenin. We discuss these communist satanists playbook. I had a dream (end days Christians will get dreams) to repent. Cover the Degael report about the genocide of Israel as well.

From ebook:

USA’s so-called enemies are laughing at us.

America is being destroyed from within by our sold –out government  officials and corporations.    A  recorded CCP leader said those that have taken the shot will die (posted by retired US Navy politician).[i]   A retired Russian military officer said this is about genocide and control ,for the  UN agenda via WEF great reset and UN  one world government.[ii]   You have to wonder why the elite want to take down Russia.   My understanding is Russia is not going along with the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and Great Reset.   Russia has been looted by these same Bolshevik central bankers already that have taken over the USA.  Or, this is just all theater for even Putin was a part of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forums young leaders.   But my sense is Putin is a nationalist.  Here in the USA, I don’t trust even the conservatives like Trump for it is theater and no one gets to play unless they are chosen to do so..    I had a dream it is all a stage with Western leaders getting a script from Lucifer, but our pain and death is real.  But, God woke me up that Revelation 9 is in play.   Through much suffering you’ll enter the kingdom of God.   Note, one third of the world will die from  plagues.   Is this CV19 or wave two of Seal 1?  CV is not technically a pandemic and has not killed near the people the vaccine has and will.

Our Military has destroyed on purpose, with many men being forced to take the mRNA operating system , and now  the military personal death rate is up over 1100 percent.   Our military is being destroyed from within and you must take note that Russia and China did not vaccinate their troops.  I can’t say this enough, something is in this witches brew in order to disarm your immune system to not kill mRNA technology. If you survive it,  you will be   reliant on their transhumanism cyborg system to live.   This evil is an elite globalist plan to again reduce the Western nations population and ultimately bring in the fourth industrial revolution or one world government.

Clot Shot Compromised Military

Again, I had a dream about a military vehicle where soldiers were throwing bags off a military transport truck, and skeletons were chasing after the bag.   They were already dead.  Next, I saw Warp Speed on 60 minutes talking about a witches brew military operation.    From the shot, our Military is already compromised.  Tom Renz has been very vocal showing the devastation of the military witches brew injuries. “If you look at this [and] go down to cancers, all cancers, you [will] see almost a 300 percent increase. One of the big things that I’ve [heard] a number of doctors and people say [is] ‘Well, how could that be?’ Cancer takes a long time to develop and that’s not normal,” he said.  Renz previously mentioned this increase in cancers following vaccination during a Jan. 25 roundtable hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI). He told the lawmaker that cancers and miscarriages after vaccination increased three times – more than the five-year average – in just a year’s time. The lawyer added that neurological issues caused by the COVID-19 vaccine jumped from 82,000 to 863,000 during the same time period.”[iii] (Related: Tom Renz reveals the names of vaccine damage Pentagon whistleblowers during Johnson roundtable.)

Do you think our woke military (no fault of theirs) will stand a chance against real men not dressed  in drag, or drinking snakes’ blood for fun?  Most of our military have been poisoned with the clot shot / VAIDs shot.   As said, a leaked CCP leader said all the vaxed will die including the military.  There will be an antidote only to stop people from spreading the spike protein.  This seems to be coming true.   We’ve already mentioned the military catastrophic death rate increase  and other debilitating illnesses from the VAIDs Shot.




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Scott, the driving force behind, is a dedicated "watchman" with many years of experience in political analysis and study of biblical truth. His Final Days Report melds current events with scripture and prophecy, offering deep insights to equip and enlighten others in these turbulent times. Check out Scott's e-Book, "Seal One Has Opened that Primes the Fourth Beast System".

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