I had a dream about a remnant having to clean up a California beach that appears to have war junk / tidal-wave trash. No government workers to help clean up. Just a few people left. The ocean water was brown and the sky was puke yellow. Pray where you need to be for it looked like a tidal wave hit and war. Maybe the Navy map is correct linked to planet x https://sjwellfire.com/dreams/planet-x-dreams/. Maybe you need to make sure your high in the mountains to survive what is coming.
From and article
In 2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom received a free house, valued at over $3-million, from his cousin and business partner, who signed it over to Newsom. The governor then took out a loan on the property for $2.7 million and retained the title. Youtube commentator John Williams said that about nine months later, Newsom brought George Gascon, the district attorney from San Francisco, down to Los Angeles, and George Soros contributed $2.5-million to Gascon’s campaign, which played a pivotal role in his election as DA for Los Angeles County. Within 24 hours of taking office, Gascon made sweeping changes to LA County: no cash bail has been implemented against voter wishes, the death penalty is gone, and prostitution, drug possession and trespassing will not be prosecuted. Gavin Newsom is a gatekeeper for mass immigration regarding the California-Mexico border. https://needtoknow.news/2021/01/george-soros-links-to-gavin-newsom-and-california-corruption/
Article: Because California is certifiably bankrupt and on the verge of total economic collapse, Newsom appears to have forged a backroom deal with the Chicoms that involves him handing over taxpayer dollars in exchange for political bailouts. These include keeping California artificially afloat, as well as Newsom in office, at least until China can get troops on the ground as part of a planned nationwide takeover. https://corruption.news/2020-07-07-newsom-wired-half-billion-communist-china-face-mask-money-laundering.html
13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. 16I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. 17And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
from ebook:
I’ve had many dreams of the breakdown of society and families. I saw a fireman was on a scene of a deadly car crash . The other firemen were practicing dance moves at the car wreck for karaoke night. A sad Fireman looked around to make sure no one saw him, and he prayed for the person that had just died, he prayed for his soul. The other firemen were all about themselves and their hearts were cold.
I saw a Donkey tied up starving in a hot alley of a major city. Donkeys signify wealth in the Old Testament and Jesus famously rode a Donkey in Jerusalem before his crucifixion being praised as the King. Samson used the jaw bone of an ass to take out God’s enemy’s. We knocked on the door and went inside asking about the donkey. The mom was flirting with me and her daughter was hitting on my college son. Next, her young kids were just watching tv. A pure collapse of the house hold without a dad. I saw whoredom and wickedness. The house was full of lust and a lack of wisdom and dignity
I had a dream that Trump’s dad’s household staff would rather work, party, cheat on spouses, than to love, raise and nurture their kids. The workers were getting divorced multiple times with many kids. The workers did not have any affection for the kids. The bond of the family was broken. I saw an ostrich fly into the screen. In the Bible, ostrich is a symbolic reference to moms who don’t have natural affection for their kids. The workers for Trump’s dad would rather work and party than be good stewards at home. I’ve had my issues with my marriage so I get it, many of us need to work on attitudes and behavior grounded in Biblical principles. But this dream left me shocked for the lack of love for children.
These dreams are so true of the conditions we are facing today if you’re honest. So, I started my ministry after reading God’s warning to a watchman, that if I did not warn the people about God’s upcoming judgement, their blood would be on my head. So, this book and my ministry is to warn you to repent (turn from evil) and turn to Christ. If you’ve taken this poison , repent (turn) and ask for healing. Ezekiel 33:6, “But if the watchman sees the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand
I have failed to warn people about January 6th. I was thinking about protesting the election fraud in DC, but I had a dream it was a trap just a couple days before the event. I should have had a ministry to warn the people ; even today, protestors are rotting in jail not getting a speedy trial guaranteed by the US Constitution. My feeble attempt to warn the truth movement fell on deaf ears for there was limited time to change their plans. So that is why I recently started this watchman ministry after my full-time job ended July 7th 2021.
This book will cover the dreams that I’ve had by topic and how it demonstrates we are in the end of days. If you’re interested to learn more about a topic, click on the links that will take you to more context via videos on our main website, SJWellfire.com. Truly your only hope is to repent, and put your faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sin, for the salvation of your soul and to be born again by the Holy Spirit. When we are born again , there is much to learn, and obey which His Word instructs us to be doing . If you’re saved, get your spiritual house in order being in His Word, praying always , Ephesians 6. This book is a warning and I don’t claim to be a prophet, but rather a servant of the highest. Time is short and only by leaning on Christ will you save yourselves, your family, and perhaps if Gods allows , the nation. Never put your trust in a man, or a movement like Q or the self-proclaimed father of the witches brew, Trump. Discerning the holy spirit on what, where, how and what to do, is so much more valuable powerful. Know HIM, and seek Him with your whole hear and you will find HIM! Jeremiah 29:13
I saw a young lady driving an ATV riding on a dry river bed, trying to find water. Just a little water was left. It was like an estuary, but the water was escaping fast. Water represents the holy ghost and the word of God. In my spirit, I felt there was little time to get your house in order. The young lady was looking for the water and it was draining away. The dream felt desperate in the way that she could not seem to get on the correct path to find the water, though I was trying to call her ,”…over here , the water is over here, and it is going fast!”. The meaning being, Time is short. Get saved.
I have had multiple dreams that link up very closely to the 1933, 7 event vision from a Pastor that will happen before the destruction of the USA. There is controversy behind this pastor’s walk with the Lord, but Rick Wiles from TruNews mentioned his vision, and it was very well documented and recorded in the 30s. I’ve noticed a pattern, when people are good, the media and history books call them evil and vice versa. It seems this Pastor had major ups and downs with his walk with the Lord. But regardless, It is well documented that he saw driverless bubble cars , that are being tested on the roads today. In 1933, this pastor also had a vision of a great evil cruel woman treading down Christians and patriots in the USA before the fall of America. Could this be Kamala, the Vice President, whose name means devil and is claimed to have slept her way to the top according to Fox news? (Luciano, p. 2021)[i] According to Rick Wiles, this pastors vision of 7 events is from the Lord; it is a vision beyond time space, and most of the vision has come true. Let’s read.
“The first vision was that Mussolini would invade Ethiopia and that nation would “fall at his steps.” That vision surely did cause some repercussions, and some were very angry when I said it and would not believe it. But it happened that way. He just walked in there with his modern arms and took over. The natives didn’t have a chance. But the vision also said that Mussolini would come to a horrible end with his own people turning on him. That came to pass just exactly as it was said.”[ii] Fulfilled…
“The next vision foretold that an Austrian by the name of Adolph Hitler would rise up as dictator over Germany, and that he would draw the world into war. It showed the Siegfried line and how our troops would have a terrible time to overcome it. Then it showed that Hitler would come to a mysterious end.”[iii] What is interesting, some suspect Hitler escaped to Argentina, and that would be a mysterious end.
“The third vision was in the realm of world politics for it showed me that there would be three great ISMS, Facism, Nazism, Communism, but that the first two would be swallowed up into the third. The voice admonished, “WATCH RUSSIA, WATCH RUSSIA. Keep your eye on the King of the North.”[iv] Being fulfilled – Think China as well. Today, the elite want to push you into the fourth industrial revolution that is called controlism,© better known as transhumanism that links to technocracy, that scientifically measures everything.
“The fourth vision showed the great advances in science that would come after the second world war. It was headed up in the vision of a plastic bubble-topped car that was running down beautiful highways under remote control so that people appeared seated in this car without a steering wheel and they were playing some sort of a game to amuse themselves.”[v] This is close to being fulfilled and I’ve documented a similar dream of a driverless bubble car, but more around the incoming planet x system that we will cover later in this book.
Remember, this is 1933. “The fifth vision had to do with the moral problem of our age, centering mostly around women. They cut off their hair, which signified that they were no longer under the authority of a man but insisted on either equal rights, or in most cases, more than equal rights. She adopted men’s clothing and went into a state of undress, until the last picture I saw was a woman naked except for a little fig leaf type apron. With this vision I saw the terrible perversion and moral plight of the whole world.” [vi] I’ve had multiple dreams of the end of days human behavior : pure whoredoms, narcissistic selfishness, scoffers, idol worship and the loss of natural affection. Much of the blame must be placed upon the watered-down 501c3 churches for the failure to teach the WORD , hence the fall of morals. The reprobate whore / harlot church is truly an abomination and is alive and well today as predicted in the end of days. The real church of truly born-again Christians will need to go underground and meet in secret. I can see all denominations coming together over the love of Christ and truly worshiping as One Body.
“Then in the sixth vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America.” [vii]
I’ve had multiple dreams linking a middle-aged pretty whore leader doing evil to Christian elders (pastors) and businesses, which appears to be happening today. In one of my dreams, I saw the whore / harlot in a swimming pool drowning a bull (elder) as we were yelling,’’ your going to kill it!” Recently, Men of God with strong ministries have died under suspicious circumstances, and at least three Elders with strong ministries claimed there was an attempted murder or bio attack on them.
“The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.”[viii] I’ve had multiple dreams of the destruction of the USA that are too many to count. China, Russia, Muslim terror cells, and Cuba, I’ve seen attack the USA after major chaos including race and a communists uprising (these might have already happened) .
But one dream that was very strong I called, California Remnant. I was walking on a California beach seeing hell or devastation everywhere I looked. I saw a military rubber craft, and the rubber trash that I think was from landing craft, since there were white serial numbers. The stench was indescribable. I saw dirty brown water, and an evil yellow brownish sky. I was there to clean up the mess like cars, trash, and parts of homes with other believers for there was no government to help. It appeared to have been hit with a dirty tidal wave nuke weapon or asteroid, since the sky and water seemed like puke. If it is too late for the USA to repent, then be worthy to be a part of the remnant.
[i] https://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-news-guest-says-kamala-harris-slept-her-way-to-the-top-she-started-out-her-political-career-as-willie-browns-bratwurst-bun/
[ii] Seven Visions (branham.org)
[iii] Seven Visions (branham.org)
[iv] Seven Visions (branham.org)
[v] Seven Visions (branham.org)
[vi] Seven Visions (branham.org)
[vii] Seven Visions (branham.org)
[viii] https://branham.org/articles/6292016_SevenVisions
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