Trump Implies: It is a Seed DNA WAR. FDR: 364
Kid’s Dementia, USA Sickness INC.. DNA Defilement
• Like Autism that just showed up, Kid’s now are getting Dementia
Prophecy in the News
Did we see a False Flag / MK Ultra to eliminate Militias? FDR: 317
Why Government Satanist need to Get Rid of the Militia
Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) introduced
Ai Controlled News – the future controls all inputs and outputs of your life. FDR 316
MSN is getting Destroyed – But is it part of an AI controlled Media Play?
Thousands of journalists are being
Globalist Excuse to Control your Backyard Garden. FDR: 315
It’s obvious the coordinated one world government is here as demonstrated by the orchestration of WW3, Civil War, open borders,
Ebola Vaccine Shedding – Cover Story for a Nano Tech Bio Weapon in YOU? FDR: 314
Ebola Vaccine Shedding – Cover for Nano Tech in YOU?
CNN is covering a mass extinction event but is
Reduce your Enslavement, Keep or Buy an Old CAR. FDR: 313
Country is Gone and the Elections will not Save you.
Article 4, Section 4 of the United States Constitution
WEF / Davos 2024 Meeting Takeaways Tied to Prophecy. The Beast System.. FDR: 312
Daniels Fourth Beast System
In 2024, the theme of the meeting was “Trust: The Foundation of the Fourth Industrial
Defilement of our Children is Beyond a Problem. Final Days Report (FDR) 311
Defiling our Kids Problem is black magic witchcraft across all fronts
Seven men gang rape toddler and place on
Is USA being scanned with Green Lasers like Maui before the Fire? Invasion priming? FDR: 310
More Invasion Evidence – Mapping the Terrain
In this Vcast we show a video of a plane mapping the
Decode 2024 Occult Predictions and it is EVIL. FDR: 309
2024 appears to be a year from Hell
New Years Eve – Telling you it will be HELL<br
Current Events and News with Commentary
SJWellFire: Final Days Report is your mainstream news filter grounded in Biblical principles. Under the National Defense Authorization Act, your political leaders rescinded the Smith Mundt Act, which now allows the centralized media to use propaganda on you. So, as the CNN news director said, “we use propaganda”. Only 6 companies control over 95% of the news and have the same shareholders. Did you know that the headlines are the same around the world with the exact same numbers, like “666 people died in XYZ town” (fake news). We’ll show headlines, and then give our point of view or explain how to interpret the news.
By providing current events from a biblical perspective, our Final Days Report sounds the alarm for end-of-days markers, like the Euphrates drying up and Wormwood coming in. We believe that Christians will have persecution and that they won’t be raptured out of here. Fear not.